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The Catering Caravan

The Two Wild Sisters can also be linked to catering and our food truck. Just big enough to fit the sisters in, this caravan can be seen at all major and minor events around the Queenstown area. Emphasising our breakfast specialties the van has an adaptable menu that makes it suitable for any and every event. Catering is also a major part of the caravan as the moveable kitchen allows for all your function needs to be met, where you need it. From coffees to canapés and anything you may need, the sisters in the caravan will organise, prep and serve at your next event. If it's a christmas party or a wedding or even afternoon tea, we must cater your next event.



We can cater
anywhere you desire

Catering Menu's

Corporate Catering

A full corporate catering menu is available on request.
Breakfasts, morning teas, whole quiches, mini pies, traditional club sandwiches, a variety of salads and sweet treats as well as working lunch options. 

Please let us know if you have something else in mind. We are fully flexible and available to cater to any requirement. We can also provide gluten free and/or vegan options. Just get in touch to discuss. 

Please inform your server of any allergies before placing your order. Detailed allergen information is available on request.
We cannot guarantee the total absence of allergens in our dishes. Most of our dishes can be gluten free please just ask.