The Two Wild Sisters can also be linked to catering and our food truck. Just big enough to fit the sisters in, this caravan can be seen at all major and minor events around the Queenstown area. Emphasising our break...

A Wild Start
The start was about as wild as the sisters with the change of ownership. From being the Tin Goose on Friday the 24th of September to opening, fully renovated as the Two Wild Sisters cafe two days later on the 26th of September 2016.
There was no rest for the wicked, as the regulars piled in on the Monday confused but estatic about it as we were. Previous owners of Old Man Rock and Chicos in Queenstown for over 25 years there was no question that Grant, Lisa and new comer Tyree knew what they were doing.
Focusing on the people these three have transformed the cafe into he palace to be through their kitchen, coffee and catering.
A wild start and and even wilder future to come, we're excited... are you?